First Day in Braces

If your child just got braces on and is wondering what to expect, here are a few tips and insights that will help them get started on the path to a beautiful new smile!


It is not uncommon for your teeth to feel tender or sore after first getting braces. We suggest taking
acetaminophen or other pain relievers such as aspirin and ibuprofen. You may take a dose of Tylenol and a
dose of Advil together for the first day or two – this should be more than enough to relieve any discomfort.
After a few days, you should notice your discomfort decreasing every day until you feel completely normal
again, the timing of which can vary from patient to patient.

Before Leaving the Office

Here are some helpful steps to follow before leaving the office to ensure your orthodontic treatment is as
efficient and comfortable as possible:

  • Check your archwires with your fingers and tongue – make sure it is not poking any area which might be uncomfortable.
  • Double-check that you understand what you’re supposed to do between appointments, whether that means wearing headgear for certain amounts of the day, wearing elastics (rubber bands), or making regular adjustments to a palatal expander.
  • Refill your supplies of dental wax, elastics, cleaning aids, or any other needed materials. You don’t want to run out between appointments!
  • Be sure your next appointment is scheduled with us before you leave – this will help ensure you have more choices as to which day and/or time you’d like the appointment scheduled. Delaying making appointments puts your treatment at risk of running longer than expected.

Contact Your Austin, TX Pediatric Dentist!

Feel free to fill out our appointment request form or contact one of our offices if you’d like to schedule a visit with us. We’re looking forward to seeing you!